MPS Minutes 20210603

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Present: HH, MR, KL, AD, RC, RN, AL (recorder)

Post Mortem and HV issue

  • AL tested whether trip issues with BLMs and Post Mortem still persist after module address change
  • Turned out the trip still happened even with different detector channel. And this time voltages on all three modules for all biased PMTs tripped and it was not possible to ramp any of the other channels that were biased at the time of the trip up either.
  • How are modules affecting each other?
  • Do crate voltages drop?
  • Address space should be A16. Likely only the iseq modules are in A16 in that crate
  • MR, AD, naming should not cause these issues
  • Eric from Ops to power cycle crate today and AL to perform more tests, while Ricky and Mike monitor system

Second stage trip

Fibre work


  • Need two additional labels for ELBT:PMT1C:LED and ELBT:PMT1B:LED