Elog Entry 2021-05-27

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Detector testing

  • EHAT:PMT4, 50V, ramps up, 0.08uA readback. LED cable now connected with new connector. Works. Using driver channel 5. ~250pC at 70%.
  • ELBD:PMT0, 200V, ramps up, 0.2uA readback. works. 550pC at 50% with elbd:pmt0 cables. installed at egun window. led driver 8. hv, sig 4.
  • ELBT:PMT1C, 200V, ramps up, 0.2uA readback. works. 285pC at 50% with elbt:pmt1c cables.installed on west side. led driver 2. hv, sig, 3.
  • Tested new ELBT:PMT1B with EABT:PMT1:LED label on roof in led driver channel 1. Works at 200V, 0.21uA, 300pC at 50%.

Detector installation

  • Installed spare PMT (previous ELBT:PMT1A) at window on gun. Connected cables for ELBD:PMT0 because that set had LED cable.
  • Place mic stand on EAST side in low energy section for ELBT:PMT1B installation. Connected all cables. All labeled correctly.
  • Note, LED cable label for PMT1C is EACB:LED.
  • Found that cable on the roof labeled EABT:PMT1:SIG is actually ELBD:PMT0:LED. Will connect this to channel 8 in driver. Getting 225pC at 45%. Also tested with LED driver channel 8.
  • Using PMT0 as the diagnostics detector after all with pmt0 cables. sig, hv, channel 4 and led ch8. doing this as old pmt1b led doesnt't seem to work? or detector doesn"t work? tested with pmt0 cables and pmt1b cables, but no response.
  • using former pmt1a is now pmt1b, NM 4289. with pmt1b cables.

20210527 142330.jpg

LED labels

  • Connected EACB:PMT1:LED to LED driver channel 2 on roof. Cable will be used for to ELBT:PMT1C detector in hall. Present label is EACB:PMT1:LED.
  • Found that cable on the roof labeled EABT:PMT1:SIG is actually ELBD:PMT0:LED. Will connect this to channel 8 in driver.
  • ELBT:PMT1B:LED and ELBT:PMT1C:LED on roof, channels 1 and 2 need new labels.