Elog Entry 2021-08-10

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  • Trying scan with EMBD:MB0
  • Disabling the detectors around 5:22PM
  • 0.001
  • FC6 reading 220uA.
  • 1kHz, 5us
  • Starting at –33A.
  • EINJ at 950 instead of 975. In terms of energy this should be similar. Might make difference in dark current. PMT3 still around 300pC though.
  • Step rate 0.005A
  • @17:31 Starting scan!
  • Slowing down to 0.001A at 17:32
  • Slowing to to 0.0005A at 17:34
  • @17:38 getting close to the dump. Riley mentioned we may not see anything, as it wasn't tuned that way and elements would be off?
  • @17:41 Speeding up x2
  • @17:52 slowing to to 0.0005A again
  • @18:00 speeding up x2
  • @18:02 speeding up x5 to 0.005A
  • @18:07 Finished scan.