MPS Minutes 20210902

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Dark current scans

  • Performed dark current scans in medium energy section this week with MB5A/C and MB0
  • EINJ was at setpoint 900 ~9.5 MeV
  • EMBT:PMT3 was mostly at 55pC, but went up to 70pC with a few spikes, otherwise constant level.
  • Stephi said, the magnet settings were spikes occurred are unlikely tunes.
  • EPICS connection from home was slow for Stephi, which was an issue for ramping magnet current
    • Emphasized need for automated ramping program. Operator should step size and limit.

E-Linac Status

  • E-Linac was down last week --> No beam
  • Wednesday morning, Stephi and Ops had issues with the 2 low-energy PMTs tripping, while beam was supposed to be on EHD.